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By:mefedronka /書いた日時:2019年 3月 1日 9時 59分 35秒
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By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 2月 28日 23時 37分 58秒
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By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 14日 6時 39分 49秒
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By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 14日 7時 10分 24秒
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By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 15日 5時 34分 44秒
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●広瀬/Cpedwu Complutense Half Marathon

Vxru A large ice rink in Conde Duque

Throughout this year, the City Council will allocate 4,124,000 euros to Child Care Centers (CAI). Last year 2011, these centers served 5,910 families and 10,893 minors (15, [url=https://www.dunks.fr] dunk homme [/url] 9% and 25, [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de] dunk nike store [/url] 6%, [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es] dunk nike high [/url] respectively, [url=https://www.nbbalance.de] nb [/url] more than in 2010) with weekly therapeutic interventions, [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de] dunks nike low [/url] biweekly or monthly, depending on the needs of each one. Madrid currently has eight CAIs, which serve the 21 districts. The main age group of minors served last year is between 13 and 18 years old (29.28%), followed by those aged 7 to 12 years (22.84%), and the youngest ones from 0 to 6 years (17.08%). Regarding the family structure, the single-parent family predominates, with a woman at the head (30%), followed by nuclear families (23%) andthose of minors who live with relatives other than their parents -extended family- (13%). 31.35% of the families served in all the CAIs in 2011 are of immigrant origin. In 2011, the new demand for care amounted to 2,127 families. The CAI are the resources of the Madrid City Council for specialized social care for minors at social risk and their families. They deal with broken families with adolescent children in high-risk situations and with serious relational conflicts between parents and children. Groups that present severe crises due to family reunification or those families in which the parents have addiction or mental health problems and the minors are affected by this separation. Its purpose is to help parents or guardians understand and manage the difficulties that arise in the care of minors and to address and overcome situations of conflictct. Likewise, they support the minors themselves against the consequences and effects. that situations of abuse or neglect can...

By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 15日 6時 5分 18秒
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●広瀬/Bvbolp Tribute to the Drive-In Cinema in La Bombilla
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Xbsl Mato accuses the socialists of "turning the Welfare State into a state."

Archive photo of a filming on Gran V鱈aCinematic talent linked to Madrid has received a boost with the nomination for the 2024 Goya Awards of eleven films supported by the Madrid City Council through a public call for subsidies under a competitive competition regime aimed at audiovisual sector, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de] yeezy [/url] managed by the General Coordination of the Mayor's Office. The aid, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.com.mx] adidas yeezys [/url] launched for the first time in 2021, [url=https://www.yeezy.com.mx] adidas yeezys [/url] support the production of feature films and series, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it] ciabatte yeezy [/url] and the distribution of feature films related to the capital, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.es] yeezy slide [/url] as part of the commitment of the Consistory for a strategic sector in the international promotion of the city and the Madrid Brand. On the list of nominees for the 2024 Goya Awards of the Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences highlightsThere are eleven films supported by the City Council in twenty-one of the twenty-eight categories of the awards, both in the artistic and technical fields, to which is added the work Although it is at night, by Guillermo Garc鱈a L坦pez, nominated for Best Short Film and which It was conceived during his participation in the Film Academy Residencies program, supported by the City Council.Films, actors, directors and technique, among the nominees this coming yearAmong the Goya nominees are Close Your Eyes, by V鱈ctor Erice, nominated for Best Director, and Upon Entry, debut feature by Alejandro Rojas and Juan Sebasti叩n V叩squez, nominated in the Best New Director category, and whose distribution has had local financing. Works that crown an excellent season in the awards race, as they have also received nominations for the Premios Forqu辿 and the Feroz. The Madrid production company Solita Films is once again present at the Goya with La Pecera,...

By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 16日 8時 30分 5秒
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●広瀬/Pcwvnz Polyglot translator for taxi drivers
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Xnxx The PP agrees with the PAR for job creation in Aragon

More than 3,000 police candidates have received training from SAMUR-Civil Protection in cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers at the Training Center of the National Police Corps. The application of these maneuvers increases the chances of survival by 50%. The future agents have received theoretical classes, [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es] dunk low [/url] taught by nurses, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.com.mx] yeezy 500 [/url] that have included concepts such as the initial assessment of the scene and the patient, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr] yeezys [/url] Basic Life Support maneuvers, [url=https://www.dunks.fr] dunk homme [/url] and Basic CPR . The training sessions conclude today. The survival maneuvers and cardiopulmonary reactivation in which the students are training are a pioneering activity in Spain and have been developed thanks to the collaboration of the General Directorate of Emergencies and Civil Protection of the City Councilof Madrid, [url=https://www.dunks.fr] dunk sb [/url], which has provided the human and material resources necessary for the development of the theoretical-practical classes. Thirty resuscitation mannequins have been used by as many volunteers from SAMUR-Civil Protection, which has allowed the training of Police in small groups of no more than ten people, adjusting to the educational recommendations of the American Heart Association (AHA) and the European Resuscitation Council (ERC), international bodies in charge of regulating everything related to resuscitation. Comprehensive preparationThe permanent commitment of the Police Training Center with quality, which has recently led it to obtain the European Seal of Excellence 400+, has meant setting as its objective the comprehensive preparation in first aid of all its students, through the regulated training provided by teachers.s of the Center (who in addition to being police officers have diplomas in Nursing), and the development of jor...

By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 16日 9時 20分 48秒
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●広瀬/Dupfux Gastrofestival Madrid unites gastronomy, literature and tradition in s
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Qjht The PP applauds the "effective and decisive" management of the Ministry of Health

The Madrid City Council maintains speed restrictions at 70Km/h on M30 and accesses to the city in both directions, [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de] nike dunken low [/url] as contemplated in Scenario 1 of the Protocol of measures to be adopted during episodes of high pollution by carbon dioxide. nitrogen. This decision is made since the levels remain high in some stations and the weather forecast is unfavorable. The air quality operational group maintains the recommendations for the use of public transport and thanks citizens for their collaboration. The City Council will inform citizens of the evolution of the pollution episode through traffic information panels and DGT, [url=https://www.nbbalance.de] new balance f端r herren [/url] CRTM/EMT, [url=https://www.dunks.fr] dunk homme [/url] traffic cabinet, [url=https://www.nike-dunk.it] dunk nike store [/url] Emergencies Madrid, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.com.mx] yeezy 350 [/url] website http ://madrid.es yredes sociales.Links for consultation:Full text of the Protocol: http://bit.ly/2dSlwqADhourly data of the 24 measuring stations http://bit.ly/1GuBAqnAEMET weather forecasts for the city of Madrid: http://bit. ly/18WCGZnMobility alternatives for citizens http://bit.ly/2fAPHD0...

By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 17日 7時 15分 32秒
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●広瀬/Joaahg AVE, tourism and the Olympic Games
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Rlgp Equality spaces will enhance professional training

The mayor of Madrid, [url=https://www.dunks.fr] nike dunk low [/url] Ana Botella, [url=https://www.yeezyy.at] yeezy schuhe [/url] accompanied by the councilor of Vic叩lvaro, [url=https://www.dunks.fr] dunk low [/url] Carmen Torralba, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it] yeezy 500 [/url] will visit tomorrow, Friday, [url=https://www.nikeairforces.de] air force 1 [/url] January 27, at 12:00 hours, this district, where you will take a tour of the commercial hub of the area and visit the shops on San Cipriano Street. Note: at 11:30 a.m. a bus will leave from Paseo del Prado on the corner of Calle de Montalb叩n for the media that wish to attend this event....

By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 17日 7時 48分 48秒
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●広瀬/Lqhqva Botella inaugurates the V Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development
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Utpi Gallardテウn visits the Jo Foundation Reception Center works

The delegate of Las Artes, [url=https://www.nike-dunk.it] dunk low [/url] Pedro Corral, [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es] nike store dunk [/url] and the president of the Seville Tourism Consortium, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr] claquette yeezy [/url] Gregorio Serrano, [url=https://www.dunks.fr] dunk [/url] have signed the renewal of the tourism promotion agreement that Madrid maintains and Seville since 2011. The objective is to reinforce tourism promotion and the brand image of both cities, taking advantage of the AVE network, as well as maintaining and increasing their respective flows of visitors. Madrid and Seville renew their tourism alliance. The CEO of Madrid Destino, Alberto Merchante, and the president of the Seville Tourism Consortium, Gregorio Serrano, have signed today, in the presence of the delegate of the Area of 窶銀帰rts, Sports and Tourism of the Madrid City Council, Pedro Corral, the renewal of the tourism promotion agreement that both cities have maintained since 2011. The objective of this initiativeThe joint aim is to reinforce tourism promotion and the brand image of both cities, taking advantage of the AVE network, as well as maintaining and increasing their respective flows of visitors. These two cities have an immense artistic heritage and an inexhaustible cultural and leisure offer, which is connected in just two and a half hours thanks to the high-speed line. Andalusia is one of the main sources of national tourism to Madrid. In 2014, the Spanish capital welcomed more than 771,300 visitors from Andalusia, which generated 1,327,180 overnight stays. This Autonomous Community occupies the number two position in the ranking of tourism transmitters at the national level to Madrid. Joint actions Among the planned actions, the exchange of advertising media between both cities and mutual assistance in activities organized for the benefit of the promotion will be carried out.te;n of each of the destinations.In addition, and thanks to this alliance, joint activities will be organized in third...

By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 18日 4時 58分 40秒
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●広瀬/Veklrj Support for online associations
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Hwrt Gran V鱈a and Buenos Aires Corrientes Avenue, two arteries united

Thinking about people with cardio-protected public spaces with universal accessibility. Once again, the Madrid City Council is committed to improving the services offered to citizens and the Department of Commerce and Entrepreneurship has worked in the municipal markets to achieve equipment accessible to all citizens, adding, [url=https://www.conversede.de] converse chucks [/url] in addition, [url=https://www.dunks.fr] dunk homme [/url] cardioprotection using defibrillators. This represents an investment of more than 770,000 euros as a whole. From the Equity Area, [url=https://www.dunks.fr] nike dunk low [/url] Social Rights and Employment, it has been considered necessary to facilitate accessibility to Madrid's municipal markets regardless of the type of disability that affects them. , [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es] nike dunk high [/url] taking another step to facilitate inclusion, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.com.mx] yeezy 350 [/url] equality, quality of life and autonomypeople's awareness. To this end, nearly 693,000 euros have been invested in the placement of haptic planes using Braille characters, pavement with a routing function, non-slip strips on the edges of steps, pavement for tactile signage, identification plates in Braille and high relief for entrance door sign, identifying pictograms of premises and accessible information directories. Accessible spaces have been designed for people with visual, physical, and autism disabilities, among others. The company awarded the project is Ilunion, specialized in signage and the installation of this type of devices. The market protects your neighborhood! Municipal markets have also made progress in protecting the health of citizens not only because of the quality of their food but also because from now on they are cardioprotective spacesgidos, by installing defibrillators in 33 Madrid markets. The rest already have them with previous...

By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 18日 5時 31分 23秒
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●広瀬/Aujrqa Madrid hosts the International Transparency Congress
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Vtxl Almeida and Villacテュs close the event 'Let's take care of the planet!

窶廴adrid is committed to innovative measures to be at the forefront of mobility and sustainability窶, [url=https://www.asicsgel.de] asic schuh [/url], this was stated by the Councilor for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr] baskets yeezy [/url] テ]gel Niテアo, [url=https://www.dunks.fr] dunk panda [/url] at the inauguration of Green Gas Mobility Summit, [url=https://www.nbbalance.de] new balance 574 [/url] the event on mobility and energy organized by Gasnam and the Neutral Transport Technology Platform with the collaboration of the Madrid City Council. At the institutional opening of this event, [url=https://www.jordann.at] jordan2 [/url] held in La Nave, Niテアo has influenced the City Council's ability to "integrate innovation in all areas of government, providing future solutions to citizens' movements in public and private transport." In this sense, the councilor has mentioned the mobility 'sandbox' de Villaverde that is being promoted by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Area, and that 窶忤ill soon allow concept tests to be carried out in a limited scenario where different innovative prototypes of means of transportation and energy consumption can be developed.窶 Autonomous cars, drones or vehicles that move with renewable gases are some of the projects that may benefit from the 'sandbox' coverage. The Green Gas Mobility Summit brings together energy and transport leaders in La Nave to analyze the possibilities of decarbonization of different modes of transport and, especially, those that are difficult to electrify in which solutions such as biogas and hydrogen are called to play a fundamental role....

By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 19日 6時 33分 5秒
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●広瀬/Okqcey The City Council launches a working group to definitively solve
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Qsro Conde Duque, with Symphonos 15

The international female collective Female Effects presents its work next Friday, May 9, [url=https://www.nbbalance.de] new balance 480 [/url] at 8:00 p.m., [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it] yeezy [/url] within the ninth event of the AUDIテ撤OLIS experimental music cycle. In the Female Effects project - curated by Blanca テ〕varez and Ang辿lica V叩zquez - several female composers create pieces for acoustic instruments and electronics. The performance will be a sequential live of the artists that make up Female Effects: Ji Youn Kang (Korea), [url=https://www.asicsgel.de] asics gelkayano [/url] Barbara Ellison (Ireland), [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de] dunk nike low [/url] Fani Konstantinidou (Greece) and the Spanish Ang辿lica V叩zquez, [url=https://www.nbbalance.de] new balance 574 [/url] Yamila R鱈os and Yolanda Uriz. The composers explore the possibilities of different acoustic instruments such as harp, cello, flute or percussion, in addition to the voice, making use of nnew techniques and electronic devices as an extension thereof. The interaction between the instrument, the amplification and the computer produces "live electronic music", where the sound played by the performer is controlled and modified electronically by the composer. It is a collaborative process, of constant interaction that is created a piece in real time. The objective of these compositions is to investigate new creative ways of using acoustic instruments in contemporary music. Starting at 6:00 p.m., you can also visit the Female Effects sound installation on the 5th floor of CentroCentro, which will remain on display until July 6. Experimental music with AUDIテ撤OLISA through concerts, sound installations and presentations or workshops, AUDIÓPOLIS (curated by Francisco L坦pez) wants to bring to the public the creative work that, whether in groups or fo...

By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 19日 7時 4分 50秒
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●広瀬/Xqgvkn Barreiro accuses the Government of 窶徑ack of sensitivity and lies with workers
返信送信  科目:MethrenNaw

Beix The municipal summer pool season concludes with 22% more

More than 400 athletes from 40 countries gathered at the Villa de Madrid International Athletics Meeting, [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es] dunk high [/url] that took place on the indoor athletics track of the Gallur Municipal Sports Center, [url=https://www.asicsgel.de] asics schuhe [/url] in the district of Latina. This competition, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.com.mx] yeezys [/url] considered the most important of the year in the country in its form, [url=https://www.jordann.at] jordan4 [/url] has been well attended by the public. The Gallur indoor athletics track was put into operation in February 2016, [url=https://www.nbbalance.de] new balances 530 [/url] after six months of works and an investment of close to 1.7 million euros. Its construction began in 2008 and, after several stoppages, the equipment was delivered in 2015 with numerous deficiencies and shortcomings, which led the current city government team to carry out urgent repairs. The installationcute;n combines the celebration of elite sports events such as this International Meeting, with the support of grassroots sports through children's schools and athletics clubs./...

By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 20日 4時 39分 46秒
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●広瀬/Tnhnam A Metropolitan Forest project to recover the river ecosystem of the Ma
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Aaji Gallardテウn, at the opening to traffic of the first B tunnel

Knowing how children live in our city, [url=https://www.nike-dunk.it] nike dunk donna [/url] how they see it, [url=https://www.jordann.at] jordan [/url] they feel it, [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es] nike sb dunk [/url] they use it and would improve it is the objective of the study 窶弋he lives of children in the city. Their relationships with the environment and the use of public spaces窶 of the Madrid City Council, [url=https://www.nbbalance.de] newbalance schuhe [/url] carried out by the Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology of the Complutense University of Madrid, [url=https://www.asicsgel.de] asics schuhe [/url] directed by Jesテコs Leal and coordinated by Lourdes Gaitテ。n, and which was presented today by the delegate of Family and Social Services, Concepciテウn Dancausa. This report is framed within the 1st Comprehensive Plan for Care of Children and Adolescents of the Madrid City Council. Already in 2003, preparatory work was carried out to understand the main needs of children and, now, a study is presentedHe gave in depth where not only the demographic data and the specific weight that childhood occupies as a collective are evaluated, but mainly their life habits are made known. 窶弋he analysis of the results 窶 Dancausa has pointed out 窶 is useful to consolidate, optimize and, where appropriate, reorient the lines of municipal actions in matters of child care both in the municipal area globally and at the district level. in recognition of the diversity of needs that different childhood situations entail.窶 The study was carried out with boys and girls between 9 and 14 years of age. Child populationIn the first part of the study, from a demographic point of view, Madrid children constitute the weakest group in terms of representation in the group as a whole.nt of the population. In the City of Madrid there are nearly 491,000 minors under 18 years of age, which represents 15.3% of the population...

By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 20日 5時 10分 41秒
パスワード: 削除 修正 

●広瀬/Ysckkq The new text of the Terraces Ordinance incorporates 23 amendments from the groups
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Wwif Tree Management Plan 2011

テ斗afur Arnalds, [url=https://www.nbbalance.de] nb sneakers 574 [/url] composer, [url=https://www.nikeairforces.de] nike air forces 1 [/url] Icelandic multi-instrumentalist and producer, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.com.mx] yeezy 350 [/url] offered a contemporary classical music concert yesterday in the open-air auditorium of Parque Lineal del Manzanares, [url=https://www.nike-dunk.it] nike dunk uomo [/url] in front of a large audience dedicated to the originality of his compositions. Internationally recognized for a musical style in which he mixes electronics with classical and ambient music, [url=https://www.jordann.at] jordans damen [/url] テ斗afur Arnalds, presented his new work in concert for the which featured his usual set of pianos and synthesizers, to which were also added the two semi-generative pianos that the artist and his musicians have developed over two years of work and research. These pianos, which are played alone, shared the stage withテ斗afur Arnalds himself and with a string quartet and a percussionist who accompanied him for the occasion. This event hosted the second session of 'Draw the summer', the activity with which Veranos de la Villa invites drawing lovers to be active viewers and closely follow the programming with pencils and notebooks. The cartoonist Julia happymiaow repeated yesterday as guest artist and group guide. /...

By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 21日 6時 29分 5秒
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●広瀬/Wtckov The City Council will reinforce its water management measures this Tuesday
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Hxxt Tree Management Plan 2014

After the success of Rhum last season and at the 2016 Grec Festival in Barcelona, 窶銀擬url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr] yeezy slides [/url] Rhum & Cia return on September 24 and 25 to the Teatro Circo Price with Rhumia, a new show and in only two performances. A creation that shares the same ingredients as its predecessor: humor and large doses of tenderness and emotion. The show has been awarded the 2014 Zirkテウlika Award for Best Clown Show and has received very good reviews from both the public and professionals: 窶彗 fun and emotional tribute to clowns and the world of the circus.窶 Rhumia is the company's new show, [url=https://www.nikeairforces.de] air force 1 [/url] which they also call Rhum 3, [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es] nike dunkpanda [/url] because they say second parts were never good. Rhum was born from a death and ended in life. Rhumia is born from life and continuefighting against death because if there's one thing the Old Black Lady doesn't know how to do, it's kill with laughter. Or so the clowns of Rhum & Cia think. All wrapped up with the magic of the music of these clowns who master several instruments, [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es] dunk low [/url] with classic clown theater entries and new creation numbers that will conclude the story of Rhum.A Jordi Martテュnez, [url=https://www.nikeairforces.de] nike air force 1 [/url] Joan Arquテゥ, Roger Julia and Pepino Pascual, are now joined by the musician, clown and plastic artist Mauro Paganini, who takes over from Guillem Alba and brings new dimensions to the company, following the established line by Rhum and bringing to the stage the second part of this clownesque bilogy that Martテュ Torras Mayneris once again directs. Rhumia is a clown theater show, with a theatrical dramaturgy recommended for those over 8 years old. More information sabout the RHUM show: www.teatrocircoprice.es./...

By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 21日 6時 59分 12秒
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●広瀬/Qctbhf The regional government promotes the promotion of values 窶銀逆hrough sport, with the
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Koip The regional government increases transportation and dining aid by 14 percent

The Government of Castilla-La Mancha has congratulated the Yugo Socuテゥllamos club on the centenary of its creation as 窶徙ne of the leading clubs in the Autonomous Community窶. This was said by the Deputy Minister of Culture and Sports, [url=https://www.nbbalance.it] new balance nere [/url] Carmen Teresa Olmedo, [url=https://www.nbbalance.fr] new balance pour femme [/url] during the gala that commemorated the centenary of this club and which was also attended by the General Director of Employment, [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.it] adidas samba adidas [/url] Elena Zalve, [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de] stanley shop [/url] among other authorities. Carmen Teresa Olmedo has highlighted 窶徼he entity that this club has that is a reference, [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.fr] adidas sambarose [/url] not only in the province of Ciudad Real, but also in the region as a whole and has highlighted the figure of people like Pilar Lテウpez, Jorge Lテウpez or Sebastiテ。n Espinosa, Paco Lテウpez or Pedro Parra, among many others. The Deputy Minister of Culture and Sports has conveyed congratulations to the club on this centenary on behalf of President Garcテュa-Page and has expressed her confidence.Make sure that soon "you will be able to share your feelings and the delivery of that emblematic blue t-shirt that, in some way, represents all the Socuellaminos and, why not, a large part of the regional sports family." In this sense, he also referred to the fact that the regional Executive "will be part, within the framework of the European Region of Sports, of your commemorative activities" while recalling that this Friday the deadline for submitting candidatures to the Awards and Distinctions for Sports Merit. Finally, he stated that 窶廬 am in a town that, for many years, has made sport one of its hallmarks. Socuテゥllamos, and by extension, our region, has been proud of the successes achieved by local athletes and clubs, but also by teachers, technicians, coaches... who have made it possible for others to grow up with sport as a fundamental part of their lives or have carried out a work of psports promotion窶....

By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 24日 5時 0分 35秒
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●広瀬/Tccjny Madrid hosts the World Business Forum 2016 for the second consecutive year
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Nytd Reinforcement of traffic management measures during rush hour by p

Madrid, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.es] yeezy boost [/url] reference city for the aeronautical sector. The capital has been confirmed as the venue for the World ATM Congress for the next three years. Confidence in the opportunities of the Madrid destination and its choice as the setting for this annual event in 2015, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr] yeezy sandales [/url] 2016 and 2017 will generate an estimated economic impact of around 34 million euros for the city. The capital, [url=https://www.yeezy.com.mx] chanclas yeezy [/url] which hosted this congress in 2013 for the first time, [url=https://www.dunks.fr] dunk nike low [/url] has hosted, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.es] yeezy 500 [/url] for the second consecutive year, its 2014 edition, which began last March 4 and ends today , in Ifema. On this occasion, more than 9,000 delegates participated (125% more than the previous year), which generated more than 20,000overnight stays and more than 6 million euros for the Madrid economy. Added to this figure is the impact of the parallel meetings that this event - which combines a congress, fair and networking activities - generates in other venues and hotels in the city. Activities promoted by its more than 200 sponsors and large companies in the sector, such as Boeing International, Thales, Indra Systems, Aena or Airbus. Madrid City Council, through the municipal company Madrid Destino and the Madrid Convention Bureau, has collaborated in this congress with the organization of the welcome to 500 executives of companies and associations of the airline industry in the Crystal Gallery of Cibeles, with advertising supports in the city and with logistical support. Madrid, business destinationThe commitment to Madrid as host of a global event of these characteristics is the result of the effort and joint work developed during theserecent years by all public and private organizations in the Madrid tourism sector and a good...

By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 24日 16時 51分 16秒
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●広瀬/Lzsfou Mar鱈a Barranco, Silvia Mars坦 and Mariano Barroso inaugurate Tetu&aacu
返信送信  科目:MethrenNaw

Yamr Madrid pays tribute to the best athletes at the Champions Gala 2023

Rita Maestre during the press conference of the Government BoardTraffic restrictions in the event of episodes of high pollution and their information to drivers are some of the main novelties of the new Mobility Ordinance approved today, [url=https://www.nikeairforces.de] nike airforce [/url] Thursday, January 28, [url=https://www.nike-dunk.it] nike dunk uomo [/url] by the Governing Board. The new standard, [url=https://www.yeezy.com.mx] yeezy 500 [/url] in addition, [url=https://www.yeezy.com.mx] yeezy 350 [/url] establishes a single model of parking cards for people with disabilities and increases the number of hours that self-employed people will be able to park their industrial vehicles in the SER zone, [url=https://www.nike-dunk.it] dunk nike [/url] between other changes. The approved text will become public information shortly, and expands and improves the Ordinance of September 2005 to adapt it to current regulations, specifically to the latest modifications to the Traffic Law and the Air Quality Lawand Protection of the Atmosphere. Regulation of traffic and parking for environmental reasonsThe new Ordinance includes the specific measures of traffic and parking restrictions that will be adopted during episodes of high pollution, as well as the way in which citizens will be informed of these measures. In addition, it includes the sanctioning regime derived from infractions for non-compliance, which will be those established by current legislation on traffic, circulation of motor vehicles and road safety. Articles 61, 63 and 67 of the 2005 Ordinance are also modified to clarify the exceptions that for the general regime of authorized and regulated parking entail the application of urgent and extraordinary measures due to exceeding the maximum permitted levels of contamination.n. This is a modification that provides better protection to drivers and clarifies the regulatory framework of application...

By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 25日 7時 50分 54秒
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●広瀬/Anwdje Mart鱈nez presides over the Rehabilitation Table
返信送信  科目:MethrenNaw

Edcl The Municipal Promotion Company of Madrid, 2008 Hermes de Oro award

Matadero Madrid opens this Friday, February 5, [url=https://www.jordann.at] nike jordan damen [/url] at 7 p.m., [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es] dunk nike store [/url] (SELFI), [url=https://www.nbbalance.de] new balance 327 [/url] a specific project created by Darya von Berner and curated by Carlota テ〕varez Basso for the former cold room of what was the Madrid slaughterhouse, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it] yeezy [/url] as part of its Abierto x Obras program. It is an installation that deals with perception, attention, ecology and the selfie. In (SELFI) there are two true protagonists: the Abierto x Obras room itself and the active visitor. Thanks to the creative organic lighting of the room, it is exposed to the public in its entirety for the first time. The architectural space is also doubled, suggesting that the ship takes a selfie, an imaginary and grandiose self-portrait. Only the perceptionAttentive attention to the work by the visitor will allow a new image of himself to be revealed by observing himself and being observed by others. The piece is in itself a reflection on self-representation, and our ability to observe ourselves. themselves; two issues very present today in our way of expressing ourselves, living together and communicating with others, thanks to the digital camera revolution. "The recent appearance of the selfie, in addition to making visible the narcissism of our society, has forged a new photographic genre halfway between the self-portrait and 'conversational' photography: now the images act as photographic messages or as visual stories," comments the curator. of the installation, Carlota テ〕varez Basso. Darya von Berner was born in Mexico and grew up in Madrid. Studyor at the School of Visual Arts in New York, completing his training with artists such as Antonio Lテウpez, Tony Crag and Ja...

By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 25日 8時 21分 33秒
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●広瀬/Yedirw Castilla-La Mancha is going to allocate the largest budget in its history to policies
返信送信  科目:MethrenNaw

Zcme Civil Protection volunteers, Local Police and members of the Infa Academy

"The Government of Castilla-La Mancha will do everything possible to provide the best health technology and the most modern diagnostic techniques to all Castilian-La Mancha residents." This has been stated by the Minister of Health, [url=https://www.nbbalance.es] newbalance 9060 [/url] Jesテコs Fernテ。ndez Sanz, [url=https://www.nbbalance.fr] nb 530 [/url] in the Regional Courts, [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de] adidas sambarose [/url] during a debate proposed by the Popular Party on the renewal of three MRI machines in hospitals of the community. Fernテ。ndez Sanz explained that equity is one of the values 窶銀逆hat articulate the SESCAM High Health Technology Renewal Plan, [url=https://www.campusadidas.it] adidas campus 80s [/url], which includes renewing the Magnetic Resonance equipment. This Plan aims to overcome the growing situation of obsolescence in equipment left by the four years of neglect and lack of investment of the previous government, [url=https://www.campusadidas.fr] adidas campus rouge [/url] underpinning the principle of equity, rationalizing the acquisition, forming part of un technological adaptation and renewal plan that will be developed between 2016 and 2021. The person responsible for health policies in the Community stated that updating the existing MRI equipment is a priority to provide all centers with the appropriate technology to improve and increase its diagnostic capabilities, also avoiding maintenance problems. Fernテ。ndez Sanz has explained that the regional government proposes that of a total of 11 MRI scans currently available, a total of 7 pieces of equipment acquired in 2002 be updated.ツ窶弋he main radiological societies estimate that the average life of these pieces of equipment It is placed at 10 years, and our teams see that life exceeded reaching 14 years. We understand that to serve our citizens in an adequate and equitable manner, the renewal of this equipment is necessary and fundamental,窶 reiterated the Minister of Health. Justifying the technological step that is going to be undertaken, Fernテ。ndez Sanz has stated that 窶忤e are moving from the analogue era to the digital era with what all this entails. From seven different platforms...

By:MethrenNaw /書いた日時:2024年 3月 25日 21時 35分 9秒
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